martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Todas somos Nicola // We all are Nicola #sendoffsexism #GE2015 #UK #Scotland #women

O que acontece coa prensa británica, e por extensión coa sociedade británica é para facer un estudo serio.  Onde moitos ven un exemplo,  eu cada vez teño mais claro que non é un exemplo a seguir por ninguén. 

What is happening with the British Main Stream Media (MSM), and by extension with British society as a whole, is worthy of study.  When many see the UK as an example, every day I am more and more clear that the UK is not an example for anyone.

Pouco se fala do significado das políticas sociais e anti-austeridade que propoñen partidos como o SNP, Greens e Plaid Cymru. 

The MSM talks very little about the meaning of social and anti-austerity policies that parties like the SNP, Greens and Plaid Cymru are supporting and promoting. 

Pouco se fala das políticas de continuidade que propoñen Tory, Lib Dem e Labour.  Todo é sobre quen vai facer coalición con quen, e o medo aos ataques exteriores. O uso político do medo sempre lle resulta ben aos poderosos.

Very little is said about the continuation of policies that the Tories, Lib Dem and Labour support. Everything is about coalitions, who with whom, and fear of exterior attacks. The political use of fear always goes well with the powerful.

De especial mención son os continuos ataques sexistas e racistas que membros do SNP están a sufrir, o que para min é unha clara mostra da degradación ética e moral de Reino Unido.

A special mention to the continuous sexist and racist attacks that SNP members have been suffering and that I see as a clear show of the ethical and moral degradation of the UK.

A Primeira Ministra de Escocia, Nicola Sturgeon, que ten unha preparación política e humana da que moitos outros políticos  carecen, leva sufrindo constantes ataques sexistas por parte de diversos debuxantes da prensa inglesa (principalmente). 

The First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, who has a political and humanistic preparation that many other politicians lack, has been suffering continuous sexist attacks from different cartoonists of the (mainly) English media.

Por se iso fora pouco,  o propio Primeiro Ministro David Cameron,amosou o seu desprezo á máxima representante do pobo escocés, durante a súacomparecencia do mércores pasado. Nesta ocasión, omitiu aposta que a líder do SNP é agora Nicola Sturgeon e reclamou un debate entre líderes con Alex Salmond. Parece que lle veu toda a valentía de súpeto. 

And if that were not enough, the Prime Minister David Cameron himself, showed his contempt for the maximum Scottish representative, during his appearance lastWednesday. On this occasion, he omitted on purpose that the actual leader of the SNP is Nicola Sturgeon and he called for a leader’s debate against Alex Salmond. It seems as though all his bravery has suddenly come out.

Mais non solo hai voces que dende Inglaterra pretenden eclipsar a esta brillante política. Tamén o Sr. Hamilton, histórico laborista de Glasgow, tivo o seu minuto de gloria, menosprezando  á Sturgeon, chamándolle “rapariguiña cun casco posto”.

But it is not just from England that there are voices wanting to eclipse this brilliant politician. Mr. Hamilton, a historic Labour MP in Glasgow had his glorious moment too, demeaning Sturgeon by calling her “wee lassie with a tin hat on”

De mais está dicir, que tanta testosterona xunta non é boa para a evolución dun país. Suxerir que o único que aportamos as mulleres á política son tetas e cus, é deplorable e anacrónico. Todos, e mais a prensa, é responsable de coidar e vixiar estas condutas ofensivas, e neutralizalas promovendo debates de mais alto nivel.  Estes debates tan rastreiros deben desaparecer de todas partes.

It has to be said, that so much testosterone together is not good for the evolution of any country. Suggesting that the only things that women bring to politics are tits and asses is just deplorable and anachronistic. All, but especially the media, are responsible for taking care and watching out for this offensive behaviour, and to neutralize them by promoting debates of the highest level. These creeping debates must disappear altogether.

Nicola Sturgeon merece total respecto, non só como ser humano, senón porque pola súa traxectoria, a súa entrega, o seu activismo, súa intelixencia , os seus principios e a súa valía,  gañouse o respecto de toda a Nación escocesa. Insultar a Nicola es insultar a Escocia.

Nicola Sturgeon deserves the utmost respect, not just as a human being, but because with her career, her commitment, her dedication, her activism, her intelligence, her principles and her tireless work she has won the respect of the Scottish Nation. Insulting Nicola is insulting Scotland.

Pero quero ir un pouco mais lonxe.  Cando Nicola Sturgeon é caricaturizada  cada día con ridículas, ofensivas e misóxinas viñetas, con comentarios desdeñosos, tratando de minimizala Reino Unido da un paso mais cara unha terrible social dexeneración e a política británica e a política mundial perde, perde en valores, perde credibilidade, perde en educación sobre o respecto á muller, a todas as mulleres.

But I’ll go even further. When Nicola Sturgeon is caricatured every single day by ridicule, offensive and misogynist cartoons, by disparaging remarks that try to minimise her, the UK takes a further step ahead towards a terrible degeneration and British politics and World politics losses, it loses principles, it loses credibility, it loses education about rights and the respect of women, all women.

Remato dicindo,  a modo de “Vow” , por si non quedaba claro, que usarei sempre miña cabeza, a miña intelixencia, o meu sentido do humor e para estar en primeira liña pelexando contra o sexismo en calquera lugar, e para que conste,  Nicola somos todas, aquí e en Escocia.
I end this article, in “vow” mode, and just in case it is not sufficiently clear - I will always use my head, my intelligence, and my sense of humour to be first one in the front line fighting against sexism anywhere. And for the record, we all are Nicola, here and in Scotland.

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