sábado, 12 de abril de 2014


Estas son as cartas que enviei a Embaixada de Reino Unido en Madrid e a Mariano Rajoy, presidente do Goberno español.

These are the letters that I sent to the British Embassy in Madrid and to Mariano Rajoy, President of Spain:


Anímovos a participar desta campaña e que mandedes todas as mensaxes de apoio aos nos@s amig@s e/ou familiares de Escocia para facerlles saber que no mundo tamén hai xente que pensa que Escocia pode ser unha grande Nación independente.

I encourage you to participate in this campaign and to sent all your messages of support to our friends and/or relatives in Scotland and let them know that there are people, all around the world, who think that Scotland can be a Great Independent Nation.

Unha vez mais vos indico que este é o link onde podedes atopar as razóns e o xeito de participar nesta campaña

Once again, here is the link where you can find the reasons for this campaign and how you can participate in it:

En breve, publicaremos a páxina web onde poderedes acceder a modelos de cartas para os envíos á Embaixada. Para coñecer as últimas noticias sobre esta campaña seguídenos en twitter, na conta @ScotlandAbroad ou no facebook :   https://www.facebook.com/solidaritywithscotland

(O noso hastag en twitter #SolidaritywithScotland) 

Very soon, we will publish the webside where you will be able to find model letter for sending to the Embassy. And if you want to know the latest news about it, just follow us in twitter, @ScotlandAbroad account, and/or facebook: https://www.facebook.com/solidaritywithscotland

(Our hastag in twitter #SolidaritywithScotland) 

E si queredes participar axudando na campaña ou tendes algúnha dúbida que desexedes aclarar, dirixídevos ao correo electrónico:

And if you want to participate by helping this campaign or if you need to clarify any doubt, then send us an email to:


Por último,  lembrade que ainda que o Sr. Rajoy dixo no Congreso "No me hablen de Escocia...." alguén tenlle que lembrar que na política nacional e internacional, todos os procesos democráticos, todos, deben ser respectados. Non caben interferencias de ningún tipo, e moito menos, xogo suxo.

One more thing, just to remind you that despite Señor Rajoy saying in the Spanish Congress "Don't speak to me about Scotland..." Let's remind him and his Cabinet that in national and international policies, all the democratic processes, every one of them, must be respected without any interferences, and even less, playing dirty games...


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